Residents at
Foxton Court, residential and residential dementia care home, in Morpeth, have had lots of fun in the month of April.
At the beginning of the month, Residents celebrate being a ‘Geordie’. Local educational speaker, Linda Davidson, came to the care home to give a talk entitled ‘I’m a Geordie’.
Linda gave the Residents lots of information about the Geordie culture and the history of Newcastle. It got the Residents reminiscing about the places they grew up and times gone by. “That takes me back!”, said Irene, a Resident, when looking at some old photos of Newcastle.
Everyone talked about the origins of the ‘Geordie’ dialect and had everyone singing local folk songs such as ‘The Blaydon Races’. Cynthia, a Resident, said, “That was really interesting hearing about the origins of the local dialect.”
The Residents discussed local food and had some samples which included ham and pease pudding stotties and of course the Residents had to sample some Newcastle Brown Ale.
It was such a fun afternoon and Residents had a great time learning about the place they live.
Also at Foxton Court, the Residents have celebrated Easter with lots of fun activities.
First of all, the Residents have welcomed some hatchlings from the Ethical Egg Company, Incredible Eggs. They were given a delivery of 6 eggs and by the next morning all 6 ducklings were hatched!
The Residents have really been enjoying spending time with the ducklings and have been changing their food, water and holding them!
Throughout the Easter holidays the Residents have completed lots of activities too. The Residents were eager to decorate the home with lovely Easter decorations which have had lots of lovely comments. The Residents also made some lovely Easter cards for their friends and family to send out and brighten up their days.
On the Wednesday before Easter Sunday, a group of Residents got together to make sock bunnies, make some Easter bonnets and do some Easter baking. Resident, Sheila, commented, “I’ve enjoyed making my sock bunny, I am going to put him in my room and name him Henry.” On Easter Sunday, the Residents took part in an Easter Egg rolling competition and were given some chocolate eggs which were donated by the local Co-Op.
Joanne Bulford, Care Home Manager, added, “The Residents have had such an amazing time the past few weeks!”