Hambleton Grange care home in Thirsk raised over £400 for Breast Cancer Now with a community coffee morning in honour of a staff member who is recovering from a breast cancer diagnosis.
Sunny Potter, a care assistant at Hambleton Grange, found out she had breast cancer one year ago. Sunny is now on the road to recovery, and the residents and staff in the care home ‘can’t wait’ to welcome her back to work.
In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month and the support shown to Sunny over the past year, Hambleton Grange dedicated their monthly coffee morning to Breast Cancer Now.
Donned in pink, the team, residents and guests from the local community came together to enjoy delicious refreshments, raising £410 in total. Sunny said,
‘I feel so lucky to have such fantastic support from my friends and work colleagues at Hambleton Grange, they’ve kept me going. Thank you so much to everyone for their generosity, I’m overwhelmed!’
Sandra Anderson, the Home Manager at Hambleton Grange, added, ‘Sunny is an incredibly inspiring person. She truly cares about everyone at Hambleton Grange and we don’t know what we would do without her!
‘We’re so pleased to have been able to show our gratitude and support for Breast Cancer Now, whose life-changing research and support is invaluable to everyone living with breast cancer.’