One Resident at
Lothian House, residential and residential memory care home, in County Durham, has recently celebrated her 80th birthday.
Lynn, a Resident at Lothian House, has recently celebrated a special birthday. Lynn was surprised by a wine and cheese spread as the afternoon snack trolley.
Robson and Jerome were playing on the TV as this is Lynn’s favourite programme.
Lynn’s daughter came in for her visit and brought in a beautiful cake for the birthday celebrations.
The Residents enjoyed seeing Lynn smile and join in with her celebrations. They also really enjoyed the cheese and wine. Everyone at Lothian House wishes Lynn a ‘happy birthday’ and was glad she had a lovely day.
Lynn, said, “Thank you everyone, I had a great day.”
Care Home Manager, Jill Morton-Carr, added, “Happy birthday Lynn. It was lovely to see everyone enjoying Lynn’s special day.”