Nursing home services secured in West Argyll and ButeNursing home services will continue to be available in West Argyll and Bute, following an exceptional step by health and social care services, supported by the council.

The HSCP (Health and Social Care Partnership) will fund the purchase of Kintyre Care Centre, currently for sale, and take over its running from HC-One.

The Kintyre Care Centre is a 40 room residential nursing home, providing the only nursing care provision in Campbeltown or indeed in the west of Argyll and Bute.

As the HSCP is a partnership (between Argyll and Bute Council and NHS Highland), it cannot legally own the centre in its own right. 

Argyll and Bute Council has agreed to take legal responsibility for the building, to allow services to continue to be available in the area.

The Council and NHS Highland will work with HC-One to maintain employment options for staff who are expected to transfer to Argyll and Bute Council or NHS Highland.

Caroline Cherry, Head of Adult Care Services, HSCP:

“This is an exceptional step for us to take. Financial implications as a rule would put this option beyond the reach of the HSCP. We have identified however that there is no other viable option for providing residential nursing services in the west of Argyll and Bute. Given this and the level of investment required, we can in this instance step in to continue residential nursing services in the area.”

Councillor Amanda Hampsey, Policy Lead for Care Services:

“We understand that families want their loved ones to be cared for as close to home as possible. We are providing the support needed therefore to maintain these services as the only option for the area. We look forward to working with HC-One and the HSCP in ensuring a smooth transition for residents and employees.”

Jackie McDonald, Interim Managing Director at HC-One in Scotland commented:

“Our priority, as The Kind Care Company, is the health and wellbeing of our Residents, their families, and the local community. We are therefore delighted to have reached this solution with Argyll and Bute Council and the HSCP. We look forward to working closely with Argyll and Bute Council and the HSCP during the transition to ensure our Residents, Colleagues, and the wider community do not experience any disruption, and can continue to receive high-quality care from the people they know and trust.” 

It is anticipated that ownership and responsibility will transfer from HC-One to Argyll and Bute Council and the HSCP in December 2022.
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