Over the past couples Residents at Sheraton Court, residential and residential dementia care home in Hartlepool, have been out and about having lots of fun.
As the Residents love a trip out, 23 of the Residents have chosen to go out for the day. They all chose different places they wanted to visit depending on the activities they liked to do.
Residents went to the local pub for a pink while others wanted to go to the local shopping centre.
Some of the places the Residents went to included Jackson’s Wharf, The Traveller’s Rest, Matalan, M&S cafĂ©, Home Bargains and the Range.
There was lots of shopping, eating and drinking involved when the Residents had their trips.
A common theme between the Residents was ordering fish and chips, as this is one of their favourite meals.
The Residents love going out with one another. The social interaction is great as the always have a natter and gossip.
One Resident, commented, “I loved getting out and about, enjoying the different surroundings and different meals.”
Carole Thomson, Care Home Manager, remarked, “The Residents love going out and spending time with one another. They all enjoy a meal out too!”